Source: United States Senator for New Jersey Cory Booker

(Washington, DC) – Today, Senator Booker, Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer joined House and Senate DPCC Chairs and MomsRising to share stories of what the historic tax relief from President Biden’s Child Tax Credit means to working families. They were joined by House DPCC Co-chairs Matt Cartwright (PA-08), Debbie Dingell (MI-12), Ted Lieu (CA-33) and Joe Neguse (CO-02), Senate DPCC Chair Debbie Stabenow (MI) , and moms Daniella Knight of Maryland and Sarah Taylor of Virginia.  


The Child Tax Credit provides historic tax relief for nearly all hardworking families – roughly 39 million households, covering almost 90 percent of children in the United States. Monthly advanced payments of the Child Tax Credit started hitting bank accounts for working families last week.


Every single Congressional Republican voted against the Child Tax Credit. 


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“Last week, the families of nearly 60 million children across our nation received the first advance child tax credit payments,” said Senate DPCC Vice Chair Booker (NJ). “This historic investment will make a difference in the lives of working people, allowing them to put food on the table, covering child care expenses, and bringing much-needed economic relief to millions in the midst of a continuing pandemic. I will continue to work alongside my colleagues to make sure these expanded payments are extended and ultimately made permanent for generations to come.”


“Today, Democrats from both chambers of Congress joined together to celebrate a promise fulfilled: families receiving their first checks from the American Rescue Plan’s Biden Child Tax Credit!” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  “The expanded Biden Child Tax Credit is Social Security for children, delivering life-changing benefits for 35 million families nationwide and cutting child poverty in half.  President Biden and Congressional Democrats will continue to fight to make this expansion permanent, because we know that the Biden Child Tax Credit is both an economic and a moral imperative as we Build Back Better by putting women and families first.”


“The COVID-19 pandemic has made life harder for American families who were already struggling to get by,” said Majority Leader Schumer. “That’s why I am so proud Democrats secured the Child Tax Credit as part of the American Rescue Plan. This program is a potentially life-altering tax cut for American families that will give taxpayer dollars right back to America’s parents. Democrats will continue fighting to give American kids a brighter, stronger future.”


“My husband and I both work multiple jobs and have always had to ‘tag-team parent’ – working opposite shifts so one of us can be home with the kids because child care is so expensive. Thanks to the Child Tax Credit, our kids are able to enjoy camp this summer, and this Fall, we can afford pre-school to help our youngest get ready for kindergarten,”  said mother of three and MomsRising member Daniella Knight from Annapolis, Maryland.


“Teaching is incredibly rewarding, but it also means living on the edge financially. So I’ve always taken all the extra work I can get, both during the school year and over the summer to earn a little bit of extra pay, which has only ever kept my head just above water. My family is used to making do without, but this Child Tax Credit will give us some breathing room to keep up on our bills, buy some extras, and continue healing from the pandemic. And I know the same is true for many of my students,” said mother of three, teacher and MomsRising member Sarah Taylor of Stafford, Virginia.


“In Northeastern Pennsylvania, in my district, the Child Tax Credit is a tax cut for more than 40 thousand households, covering 90 percent of our kids. These are honest, hardworking, middle-class families who fuel our economy. And we know that putting more of their hard-earned money back in their pockets helps them not only build a better future for their families, but for all of us,” said House DPCC Cochair Cartwright (PA-08).


“Over and over, I hear from people working two and three jobs just to make ends meet and they are still barely getting by. The Child Tax Credit makes hard work pay off by putting more of the hard-earned money back in the pockets of working people, where it belongs. It’s a soft warm bed, a summer camp, daycare, baseball cleats or gas in the car to get to work.  It’s a tax cut that honors the dignity of work. And we are fighting to make sure it’s here to stay,” said House DPCC Cochair Debbie Dingell (MI-12).


The Child Tax Credit puts more money back in the pockets of hardworking parents so they can pay for child care, put gas in the car, go to work and help fuel our economy while building better lives for their families. And every single Republican voted against this tax cut for hardworking families. Now, Democrats are working to extend the Child Tax Credit. And every Republican vote that stands in the way is a vote to raise taxes on working- and middle-class people,” said House DPCC Cochair Lieu (CA-33). “The contrast couldn’t be clearer: When Democrats control the Congress, we cut taxes for working people. When Republicans control the Congress, they cut taxes for millionaires and corporations.”


“This historic tax cut for working families means child care, health care and so much more for working families across Colorado and across the county. Democrats will continue fighting for tax cuts that put more hard-earned money back in the pockets of working-and-middle-class families to set our kids up for success and propel our economy forward,” said House DPCC Cochair Neguse (CO-02).

