Sen. Rick Scott: The U.S. Must Stand Strongly With the Cuban People Fighting for Freedom

Source: United States Senator Rick Scott (Florida)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, across Cuba, the people continue to peacefully protest against communist rule, and demand the freedom, liberty and basic human rights which the brutally oppressive communist Cuban regime has stolen from them for decades. As the Cuban people march toward a new day of freedom, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement supporting their fight for democracy, and demanding that the Biden administration aggressively hold the regime accountable and support the cause of freedom in Havana and across Cuba.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today in Havana, the Communist Cuban regime is shaking with fear as the people rise up to denounce the oppressive communist rule that has brought ruin to their nation for more than 60 years. I stand proudly with the heroic freedom fighters across Cuba that have taken to the streets determined to regain their freedom and put an end to the Castro dictatorship. The message from the Cuban people to Díaz-Canel and Raul Castro has never been more clear: your time is up.

“Now, the Biden administration must lead the freedom-loving nations of the world in loud and unequivocal denouncement of the brutal communist Castro regime, and in support of the liberty, democracy and human rights the Cuban people call for and rightfully deserve. We must be clear, for decades Cuba has been the root of instability in Latin America and represented a terrible threat to the national security of the United States. Today, the American people must join freedom-loving Cubans in saying the oppression ends now. We cannot return to Obama-Biden appeasement policies. We cannot lift sanctions or restore diplomatic relations with the Cuban dictatorship. I urge the Biden administration to impose further sanctions on the tyrannical Cuban regime. We cannot let up. There must be consequences for this heinous oppression and attacks on peaceful protesters.

“To the people of Cuba: You are not alone, I stand with you in this fight. Florida stands with you in this fight. The United States of America stands with you in this fight. The freedom of Cuba is closer than ever and we are not going to stop until we see a new day of freedom, democracy and ‘Patria y Vida’ in Cuba.”
