Murphy, Young Applaud President Biden’s Executive Action to Limit Non-Compete Agreements

Source: United States Senator for Connecticut – Chris Murphy

July 08, 2021

WASHINGTONU.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) on Thursday applauded President Biden’s forthcoming Executive Action to encourage the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to limit non-compete agreements.

“Non-compete agreements depress wages and stifle innovation. We’re glad to see the Biden administration take this step to improve transparency and put workers first by encouraging the FTC to limit non-competes. Congress should go further and pass our bipartisan legislation, the Workforce Mobility Act, which would foster economic opportunities and make sure American workers have the freedom they need to find good-paying jobs,” said Murphy and Young.

In February, Murphy and Young introduced the Workforce Mobility Act, bipartisan legislation to limit the use of non-compete agreements that negatively impact American workers. In 2020, Murphy and Young led a bipartisan letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging them to act to limit the use of non-competes.
