ICYMI: Sen. Marshall slams China as COVID-19 origins investigated: ‘Public shaming has to come to fruition’

Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall

ICYMI: Sen. Marshall slams China as COVID-19 origins investigated: ‘Public shaming has to come to fruition’

(Washington, D.C., July 5, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. appeared on Sunday Morning Futures yesterday to discuss the origins of COVID-19 and the Biden Administration’s spending spree as Democrats continue to push for trillions more in new spending.
On the origins of COVID-19, Senator Marshall said in part, “They [the Biden administration] do have an investigation underway but I’m not expecting them to find anything that we don’t already know… What we have to do is start holding China accountable. Certainly, we can sanction them, we can seize their assets, but what they need is public shaming… This smells like a cover-up. We need multiple nations looking into this and holding China accountable and then starting the shaming in some way… They should be ashamed that they invented this bioterrorism weapon, they should be ashamed they leaked it from the lab, they should be ashamed that they covered it up, they should be ashamed they can’t even make a vaccine right now. So this public shaming has to come to fruition.” You may click HERE or on the image below to watch this portion of Senator Marshall’s interview.
On President Biden’s spending plans Senator Marshall said in part, “You better grab your wallet because Joe Biden’s Administration wants to grab that wallet of yours and wants you to write big checks to them. I think they have spent most of their political capital on this. A saying my dad taught me, ‘fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’ and the Biden White House has now fooled us three times and they threw a bunch of Senators under the bus including Democrat Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema… They’ve already borrowed $2 trillion this year and they want to borrow another $6 trillion. When I came to D.C. four years ago I thought we had a plan. Much like turning around a business that is upside down, the first thing we had to do was grow the business. So, we cut taxes – despite cutting taxes, we actually grew revenue for the federal government… This [out-of-control spending] is the problem that keeps me up late at night. Whether you want a strong military, strong schools, strong roads and bridges, the future of the balanced budget is what’s going to impact it more than anything else.” You may click HERE or on the image below to watch this portion of Senator Marshall’s interview.
In case you missed it, here is what they are saying:
FOX News: Sen. Marshall slams China as COVID-19 origins investigated: ‘Public shaming has to come to fruition’
Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., argued on “Sunday Morning Futures” that the United States and other countries need to “shame” China for the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed nearly four million people around the world, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, and upended the global economy… The Kansas senator said on Sunday that he doesn’t believe the Biden administration is doing enough to push the Chinese regime to be more candid and forthright with investigators… The Kansas senator said on Sunday that he doesn’t believe the Biden administration is doing enough to push the Chinese regime to be more candid and forthright with investigators…
Newsmax: Sen. Roger Marshall: China ‘Wants To Own The World’
Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., on Sunday warned China “wants to own the world,” and has to be held in check. In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Marshall said part of the accountability will be to make sure there is “public shaming” for their coronavirus role. “China wants to own the world — that is their goal right now,” he said… Marshall lamented the “coverup” China mounted regarding the origins of the coronavirus. “We know that the Wuhan [laboratory] was starting to cover up this particular incident as well in October 2019, thousands of soldiers from hundreds of countries gathered in Wuhan, China for a military Olympics. Several weeks later, many of them developed symptoms.,” he pointed out. Marshall added that since at least from October 2019, China was “covering this up.”… Marshall insisted China be held accountable. “We can sanction them. We can seize their assets,” he said. “What they need is public shaming…not just the United States but we need other countries to shame them as well. We need to bring manufacturing back to the United States, do all those things to publicly battle them.”…
Breitbart: GOP Sen. Marshall: ‘Public Shaming’ Response Needed for China’s Role in COVID — ‘Not Just’ the U.S., But Other Countries As Well
During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) urged a “shaming” policy for Mainland China for its role in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Marshall pointed efforts by China to impede investigations into the origins of the virus. “They do have an investigation underway, but I’m not expecting them to find anything that we don’t already know,” Marshall said. “What this reminds me of is, you arrest the godfather, and all the witnesses start dying. And, in this case, the witnesses, though, are the genomic banks that we have sitting in there. So, in January 2020, February 2020, the NIH erased 500 genetic sequences from the bat lady that she was storing in the NIH laboratory bank. Going back to 2019, in September, the bat lady erased a bunch of viruses from these [Wuhan Institute of Virology] laboratory banks that we had access to.” “So the witnesses are all dying,” he continued. “There may be something, though, on the cloud server that we can dig up. We’re finding bits and pieces everywhere. But what we have to do is start holding China accountable. We can — certainly, we can sanction them. We can seize their assets. But what they need is public shaming, that we have to shame them, and not just the United States, but we need other countries to shame them as well. We need to start bringing in product lines, manufacturing jobs back to the United States, do all those things to publicly battle them.”
Sky News: China needs to be ‘publicly shamed’ by international community in order to get answers  
US Senator Roger Marshall has told Fox News the Biden administration is not doing “enough” to get transparency from China – and that the international community needs to “publicly shame” the country in order to find the origins of COVID-19. “[The Biden administration] is not doing enough – they do have an investigation underway but I’m not expecting them to find anything that we don’t already know,” he said. “What this reminds me of is – you arrest the Godfather and all the witnesses start dying, and in this case though the witnesses are the genomic banks that we have sitting out there. “We have to start holding China accountable. “We can sanction them, we can seize their assets but what they need is public shaming.” Senator Marshall’s comments come after President Biden ordered a 90 day directive to intelligence agencies in May to investigate two theories; either coronavirus originated from a lab leak or from an infected animal transmitting to humans.