Sen. Cramer Statement on Rainbow Energy Center Agreeing to Purchase Coal Creek Station

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), a Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee member, issued the following statement today on Rainbow Energy Center reaching an agreement to purchase Coal Creek Station from Great River Energy (GRE):

“Today’s announcement is excellent news for the employees of Coal Creek Station and Falkirk Mine, and it’s a prime example what can be done with North Dakota entrepreneurs and innovation. Coal Creek is the perfect acquisition for a creative company like Rainbow which knows how to market energy, understands the American energy marketplace, and appreciates the value of the reliable, low-cost energy we have here in our state. Congratulations to their leaders and to those at GRE, and to our local leaders like Governor Burgum and Lieutenant Governor Sanford, who was instrumental during these negotiations. I stand ready to support this purchase however possible.”

The purchase announced today is expected to close later this year after proper approvals are obtained. In addition to preserving local jobs, supporting the economy, and delivering reliable energy in North Dakota, part of Rainbow Energy Center’s plans include a focus on carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies, a process Senator Cramer has been working to support through his seat on EPW, which has jurisdiction over CCUS.

Some of his most recent efforts on CCUS include: 

  • Helping introduce bipartisan bills to improve the CCUS tax credit by extending the commence construction window for projects, allowing for direct payment of the tax credit, increasing the credit value for projects, and eliminating the annual carbon capture thresholds.
  • Urging the Biden Administration to promptly implement the Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies (USE IT) Act, legislation Senator Cramer helped introduce and pass which would support CCUS research.
  • Facilitating a briefing for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan on ongoing CCUS efforts at Minnkota Power Cooperative’s Milton R. Young Station near Center, North Dakota.