Senator Baldwin Celebrates National Dairy Month

Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin


Senate Passes Bipartisan, Baldwin Backed Resolution designating June 2021 as National Dairy Month

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate has unanimously adopted a Senate resolution (S.Res.268) introduced by Senator Tammy Baldwin and 14 of her Senate colleagues designating June 2021 as National Dairy Month. The bipartisan resolution recognizes the role dairy plays in a healthy diet and the exceptional work of dairy producers as stewards of the land and livestock.  

Baldwin joined Senators Roger Marshall (R-KS), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Mike Crapo (R-ID), James Risch (R-ID), Angus King (I-ME), Susan Collins (R-ME), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Tim Scott (R-SC), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Mike Braun (R-IN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), in introducing the resolution. 

“Every day, America’s dairy farmers wake up early and go to work supporting an agriculture economy that families rely on in rural communities across the country. I know this because I have seen it firsthand representing America’s Dairyland in the Senate. Our Wisconsin dairy farmers work hard to ensure that their products meet high standards for nutritional value and quality– and that is why Wisconsin cheese, milk and other dairy products are simply the best in the world. As we join together to celebrate June Dairy Month, let us continue working across party lines to support our dairy farmers and the high quality products they make,” said Senator Baldwin, Chair of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee. 

The U.S. dairy industry serves as a key driver in the national food system and supports the people of the United States both nutritionally and economically. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, dairy products as well as certain fortified soy beverages have a nutritional composition that puts them ahead of curve in maintaining good health and reduced risk of chronic diseases throughout all stages of life. This resolution also highlights the economic impact of dairy producers in the United States, and encourages consumers to visit with dairy producers to gain a better understanding of the production process. It is estimated that the U.S. dairy industry supported 3.3 million jobs and $41.6 billion in direct wages to support workers and their families.  

In addition, Senators Baldwin and Risch are the lead Senator sponsors of the DAIRY PRIDE Act to combat the unfair practice of mislabeling non-dairy products using dairy names. The Defending Against Imitations and Replacements of Yogurt, milk, and cheese to Promote Regular Intake of Dairy Everyday Act (DAIRY PRIDE Act) of 2021 would require non-dairy products made from nuts, seeds, plants, and algae to no longer be mislabeled with dairy terms such as milk, yogurt or cheese. Current Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations define dairy products as being from dairy animals. Although existing federal regulations are clear, the FDA has not enforced these labeling regulations and the mislabeling of plant-based imitation dairy products as ‘milk’, ‘yogurt’ and ‘cheese’ has increased rapidly. This hurts dairy farmers that work tirelessly to ensure their Made in Wisconsin dairy products meet FDA standards and provide the public with nutritious food.  It has also led to the proliferation of mislabeled alternative products that contain a range of ingredients and nutrients that are often not equivalent to the nutrition content of dairy products. The DAIRY PRIDE Act would require the FDA to issue guidance for nationwide enforcement of mislabeled imitation dairy products within 90 days and require the FDA to report to Congress two years after enactment to hold the agency accountable for this update in their enforcement obligations.