News 06/22/2021 ICYMI: Blackburn Calls Out Democrat Takeover of Election Laws

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) spoke out against the Democrats’ efforts to federalize our elections and destroy the democratic process through their partisan election bill.

Click here to watch the full speech.

Preserve One Person, One Vote

“If the Constitution is the foundation of our Republic, then the concept of one person, one vote is the cornerstone…It is of the people, by the people, for the people that this process is carried out in each and every one of our counties.”

Democrats Are Seeking to Destroy Meaningful Voter ID Laws

“If this bill passes, say goodbye to meaningful voter ID laws…To please their radical base, they added a loophole that would force every single jurisdiction to accept affidavits in lieu of identification.”

The Federal Government Is Beyond Incompetent To Run Our Elections

“The founders granted the states power over their own elections for a reason. The federal government is beyond incompetent to get this job done. If you like a service you get from the IRS or the EPA or OSHA, that’s what you could expect the next time your community has an election. If we allow this bill to pass, one person, one vote will crumble. The promise of counting eligible ballots and not counting ineligible votes will go by the wayside.”