Luján Statement on Senate GOP Blocking the For the People Act

Source: US Senator for New Mexico Ben Ray Luján

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) issued the following statement after Senate Republicans filibustered the For the People Act, legislation he co-sponsored to protect voting rights and safeguard our democracy:

“In the aftermath of Congressional Republicans voting to overturn a free and fair election, Republican-led legislatures have continued an all-out assault on Americans’ voting rights. These efforts to suppress the vote keep coming, which is why we must pass the For the People Act to eliminate voting barriers, tackle dark money in politics, and restore faith in our democracy,” said Luján. “Our democracy is only as strong as Americans’ ability to exercise their most sacred right to vote. “Unfortunately, because of their own electoral fears, Senate Republicans have once again abused the filibuster to block critical legislation. This continued obstructionism highlights the need to eliminate the Senate filibuster.”