Sens. Rick Scott, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Introduce Resolution to Stand with Colombia

Source: United States Senator Rick Scott (Florida)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Rick Scott, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio introduced a resolution reaffirming the United States’ commitment to Colombia, America’s strongest ally in Latin America. The Scott, Cruz, Rubio resolution condemns any efforts to undermine democracy and encourages the international community to join the United States in standing with Colombia. The resolution also calls for U.S. support for Colombia in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing excess vaccine doses to help revitalize Colombia’s economy. Representatives Mario DiazBalart, María Elvira Salazar and Carlos A. Gimenez will sponsor this resolution in the House of Representatives.


This week, Senator Scott spoke with Colombian President Duque and offered his support and condolences after the ELN’s car bomb against a military base in Cúcuta injured 36 people, including U.S. military personnel.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The United States and Colombia share a commitment to promoting security, prosperity, human rights and democracy across the Western Hemisphere. Colombia is our greatest ally in Latin America and a partner in combatting drug trafficking. Right now, Colombia is supporting more than a million Venezuelan citizens who have fled Maduro’s murderous regime. They are an invaluable partner in the fight for freedom and democracy across Latin America.


“The violence being perpetrated now in Colombia by ELN and FARC, terrorist organizations backed by the Castro and Maduro regimes, is a disgusting attempt to destabilize Colombia’s democracy. The violent attacks and blockades threatening the Colombian people and their government are dangerous and reprehensible. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this before – it’s a script written by communist dictators in Cuba. This same unrest – meant to destabilize and undermine democracy, has been occurring in Latin America for decades. We can’t let it continue. I’m proud to stand with Colombia in the fight to defend freedom and democracy, and I encourage every freedom-loving nation to do the same.”

Senator Ted Cruz said, “The United States must support our allies in Colombia. I am proud to join Senator Scott on this resolution reaffirming our support for our alliance in the Western Hemisphere and those seeking to uphold the rule of law within its borders.”

Senator Marco Rubio said, “The ongoing situation in Colombia is of grave concern and must be met with international support and solidarity. As members of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, including the ELN and the dissident forces of the FARC, seek to destabilize a democratically elected, pro-American government, our nation must use all tools available to ensure peace and restore stability.”

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart said, “This important resolution affirms America’s commitment to Colombia, one of our strongest and most critical allies. Colombia has been resilient in confronting a host of challenges, including the pandemic, the malignant influence of the Maduro and Castro, the influx of nearly two million Venezuelans seeking refuge from the Maduro regime, and acts of terrorism perpetrated by the ELN and FARC. The United States-Colombia partnership has been immensely successful for decades, and we must maintain this strong relationship so that our countries can continue to successfully combat the drug cartels and terrorism, and so that we can ensure a stable, prosperous, and democratic Colombia for the next generation.”

Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar said, “Colombia is a longtime and irreplaceable ally of the United States and we must continue to support the people of Colombia in the fight against terrorism. While the socialist regimes in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua try to destabilize the region, the United States stands unequivocally with Colombia and its democracy.”

Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez said, “Colombia is our most important ally in the region, long sharing a common commitment to the advancement of freedom and democracy for our respective people. Just across Colombia’s border in Venezuela, we see the socialists’ vision for the region and for the world. As anti-democratic forces look to assert themselves in Colombia, the United States must maintain its commitment to supporting and protecting the Colombian people from the threat of socialism and the scourge of authoritarianism. I urge my colleagues to remain firmly on the side of freedom and of the Colombian people.”
