VIDEO RELEASE Democrats Stand with Terrorists Over Israel, Block Sen. Rick Scott’s Bill to Prevent Tax Dollars from Going to Hamas

Source: United States Senator Rick Scott (Florida)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor about his Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act, with Senators Joni Ernst, Cindy Hyde-Smith and Mike Braun, and asked for its passage by unanimous consent. The Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act would ensure no American taxpayer dollars will be authorized to the territory of Gaza until the president certifies to Congress that these funds can be spent without benefitting terrorist organizations. Senate Democrats blocked its passage.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Last month, we saw Hamas rockets rain down on Israel for 11 straight days. Children, like five-year-old Ido Avigal, died in these attacks. Today, in blocking the Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act, Democrats in the U.S. Senate chose to stand with the terrorists responsible for taking innocent lives, like Ido’s. This bill would have simply ensured that the president certify that any money authorized to the territory of Gaza will not end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists. The Democrat party has clearly abandoned American values and now they are abandoning American allies. But we cannot, and I will not, accept the Left’s ignorance to the evil and devastating role Iran plays in funding and supporting Hamas terrorists. I will never stop fighting for our great ally and to keep American tax dollars from ever benefitting terrorists.”


See more in the video HERE or below.

