Crapo, Risch, Johnson, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Place Constitutional Check on Iran Deal

Source: United States Senator for Idaho Mike Crapo

June 11, 2021

Washington, D.C.–U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) joined Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and 20 additional Republican colleagues in introducing the Iran Nuclear Treaty Act.  The bill would give the American people a proper constitutional check by requiring that the president submit to Congress any renewed nuclear deal with Iran as a treaty.  The Iran Nuclear Treaty Act would strengthen the role Congress plays by ensuring the advice and consent of the Senate is taken into account for a new nuclear agreement, as well as prevent waiving, suspending, reducing or limiting the application of sanctions on Iran before the Senate has concurred.  The Constitution provides sole power to the Senate to approve, by a two-thirds vote, treaties negotiated by the executive branch. 

“The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was poorly-negotiated and failed to permanently end Iran’s nuclear program or address its malign influence and terrorist proxies in the Middle East,” said Crapo.  “Iran’s influence continues to prop up global terrorist groups that are a direct threat to the United States and its regional allies. The American people widely disapproved of the agreement, and Congress was never consulted on ways to strengthen our nation’s side of the deal, which gave the Iranian regime a green light to continue its nuclear arms race and financial support of violent activities across the globe. Congress must be able to provide advice and consent on any similar agreements.” 

“The Iranian regime presents a significant and enduring challenge to United States’ national security interests,” said Risch.  “While negotiators gather in Vienna, Iran continues to develop ballistic missiles, attacks American troops and diplomats in Iraq, funds Hamas’ attacks against Israel, facilitates Houthi aggression in Yemen, and enables the Assad regime’s continued atrocities in Syria.  The path to a lasting Iran policy that best serves the needs of the American people must pass through the Senate for its consent and ratification.”

Text of the bill can be found here. 

Additional co-sponsors include Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Mike Braun (R-Indiana), Cotton (R-Arkansas), John Hoeven (R-North Dakota), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming), Jerry Moran (R-Kansas), Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska), Rick Scott (R-Florida), Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina), Todd Young (R-Indiana), John Boozman (R-Arkansas), Roger Marshall (R-Kansas), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Steve Daines (R-Montana). 
