Ernst Questions Experts on Strategies Against Communist China, Protecting America’s Supply Chains

Source: United States Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

WASHINGTON – At today’s Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a combat veteran and the top Republican on the committee’s Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee, questioned top experts about the U.S. strategic competition against Communist China, including what countermeasures our military and diplomatic operations can conduct to deter China and ways to protect America’s critical domestic supply chains.

Senator Ernst questions experts on the U.S. strategic competition with China at Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.
U.S. Military and Diplomatic Operations to Deter China
Ernst questioned the experts on what countermeasures the U.S. can engage in militarily and diplomatically to create challenges for the Chinese approach and disrupt their activities in and out of the “gray-zone.”
Protecting Critical Domestic Supply Chains
Ernst also asked the experts what they see as the most critical elements to protecting America’s domestic critical supply chains and for ensuring we are able to meet our national security requirements in the event of a future crisis.