Lankford Statement on US Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued a statement on the arbitrary deadline of August 31, 2021, that President Biden set to get Americans and allies out of Afghanistan:

“The Biden Administration did not use every available resource—including time—to bring every American to safety. The hundreds of Americans and thousands of allies left behind in Afghanistan are now potential bargaining chips for the Taliban to make demands of the United States in the days ahead.

“Our nation is still grieving the 13 Americans who have already given the ultimate sacrifice while protecting Americans scrambling to get out of Afghanistan. The entire retreat has been an embarrassment for the nation because of Biden’s lack of leadership. Today’s withdrawal was premature, and now we are leaving behind our own along with our allies. This is not who we are and this is not what we stand for.” 
