Sen. Cramer in Floor Speech: No American Wants Us Falling Behind Our Adversaries Any Further; Senator Calls for More Votes on Amendments Ahead of Final

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) delivered remarks on the Senate floor today on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the bipartisan infrastructure legislation the Senate has been working on and is expected to vote on soon. The senator highlighted the broad support the bill has received, outlined the benefits it will deliver for North Dakota, explained why investing in infrastructure is counter-inflationary, and discussed how bolstering American infrastructure is critical for handling adversaries like China.

“I know there’s a lot of political rhetoric that flies back-and-forth and these word salads that Republicans like to use and word salads that Democrats like to use to talk about the same things. And we tend to talk to our people, if you will, to rationalize or convince or persuade,” said Senator Cramer. “That’s all good. That’s all fine. But I know this much for sure: I don’t think there is a single American that thinks we ought to fall behind our adversaries any further.”

Senator Cramer concluded by urging his colleagues to consider more amendments ahead of the bill’s final passage.

“Let’s get the hundred of us together,” said Senator Cramer, “and make some decisions together while the hours are still in front of us and improve this bill so we can get about the business of debating, getting us to final passage, and sending it over to the House of Representatives, where I would implore [and] plead with the Speaker of the House to take it up.”